Shoprite Savings

Couponing at Shoprite is worth the effort because they double coupons.  Doubling coupons means that any coupon with a value under a dollar will have its value doubled at checkout.  For example if you have a coupon for $0.75 off granola bars then at Shoprite they will double it to make it $1.50 off your granola bars.  If you match your coupons with sales and plan your shopping trips carefully you will be able to get a large number of products for under $1 or even better FREE!
Clipping coupons and matching deals will get you a good amount of savings but there are a few things you can do at home to get an even better deal.  First register your Shoprite card on their online site.  This will allow you to load digital coupons onto your savings card.  When you use your card at checkout it will automatically take the coupon savings off your total.  The best part about these digital coupons is that you can combine them with paper coupons.  This essentially is tripling a coupon by having a paper coupon double and then a digital coupon combined with it.
A few rules that Shoprite has with coupons is that they will only double four like coupons in one transaction.  So if you have six $0.50 off chips coupons you will have to do two checkout in order to get your maximum savings.  Also pay attention to your receipts because if an item scans different from the posted price Shoprite will give you that item for free!  If you bring your own reusable shopping bags then you will get $0.05 off your bill for each bag you use.
Remember Shoprite sales start on Sunday and end on Saturday.

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